Saturday, April 7, 2012

Maison Edwards Roombox

We went to see our friend, Chuck, at his smoke shop, Maison Edwards.  It is an Ann Arbor institution in Nickels Arcade, one of my favorite places in the city.  There are always regulars at Chuck's sharing philosophies and jokes under his welcoming proprietorship. His colleague gave me this cigar box and I had to make a scene in it in Chuck's honor.

Roombox is a Nicaraguan cigar box. Chair is Reac. Table is spool and wood block.  Ashtray is shell, cigarette is rolled paper dipped in coffee for the burnt end. Matches are re-ment. Ashtray is a shell. Coffee cup is from Oese. Buddha is from a local Tibetan shop. Lamp is AG Minis. I made the pillow.