Saturday, December 14, 2013

Merry Christmas and Peaceful Tidings

'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring

'cept maybe the mouse.

The cookies were all laid out with care
in hopes that Saint Nicholas might tarry there.

The decor was in place to cheer up the season

Even an elf, it was way beyond reason.

So along came the big guy a little worn for wear

and added some presents here and there.

He smiled at the cookies, checked his list

and surveyed the scene to make sure
nothing was missed.

Then laying a finger aside of his nose
quickly out the door he goes.

Merry Christmas!

And a happy anything wonderful
you may celebrate to cheer you
through the end of another year.
Peaceful tidings to you all
from Hunky Dory and 
the whole family.


  1. So sweet! Merry Christmas to you too!!! From all of us in the Wylde Kingdom!

  2. Wishing you much love, peace and happiness for 2014 =0)

  3. Liebe Doris,
    ich wüsche Dir und Deiner Familie ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und ein frohes neues Jahr.
    Viele liebe Grüße von Monika

  4. Thanks so much Hunky Dory! For Christmas I want many more years of seeing your great rooms!

  5. Well done! I love the Lego elf...I'm really going to have to take some time and raid my kids Legos. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Cheers!
