Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tables Are Wee

At Tables Are Wee there's a wonderful display where several table styles are set up.

 A clever little elevator (a marginally dangerous one) takes you up so you can see them all.

A shame it doesn't quite take you up to the very top one.

This makes my second use of the display case my friend, Chuck, gave me.

It came with this little drawer-like thing for the product and a slidey thing that keeps the product pushed to the front. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what to do with it.  Aha...very dangerous elevator!


  1. New Follower! Loving your blog, and especially that elevator :)

  2. wow - ich mag ganz besonders den sessel ganz unten, mit dem schönen alten "deutschen" bezug. den sehe ich zum ersten mal bei dir, ist er aus deiner eigenen puppenstube?
    liebe grüße zu dir!

    1. Ja, Oese, die Sessel kommten mut uns aus Deutschland.

  3. Hi Minnie Kitchen...I looked at your blog. You do wonderful stuff. Thanks for the encouragement!
